Liverpool City Soundscape (2023)
Role: Sound Recorder
This soundscape is of a city, which we chose out of simplicity due to being local to the Liverpool City Centre.
I was initially pessimistic about the city approach to the soundscape, as I didn’t think we would capture enough sounds for an effective soundscape. However, after listening to the finished product, I realised how rich and interesting the soundscape was, due to the abundance of sounds from the seagulls to the cars, to the background chatter. This made me realise how much sound we subconsciously take in every day without realising it, which I believe is the purpose of this soundscape. ​​​​​​​

I found the soundscape to be a simple and welcoming way into the Audio module, and unlike my other Audio projects I didn’t feel the need to go back and improve it because the feedback was excellent.

If I could’ve improved anything, however, I would have removed the small amount of microphone noise, but overall this was a solid soundscape.



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